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• Univ. of Santiago USC
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Your collaboration is crucial to keep this website up-to-date. If you have any suggestion about our website, or if you have detected any mistake on it, any link no longer working, any wrong info on our pages, etc., we would be really acknowledged if you let us know. Using the wiki technology on which our website is based, means will be soon implemented to allow the teachers of the master to introduce changes and new pages in our web without any direct action from the web admin.
As of today the web administrator is the teacher of the master M.V. Ramallo. The best way to contact him is by email to the address ramallo@cond-mat.eu Manuel Vázquez Ramallo
Para manter esta web actualizada, a túa colaboración é vital. Se tes algunha suxestión acerca da nosa web, se detectaches algún enlace que xa non funciona, ou algunha información que xa non é correcta, etc., agradecémosche sinceramente que nolo fagas saber. Planéase implementar en breve medios para que a tecnoloxía wiki subxacente ao noso sitio web permita aos profesores introducir cambios e novas páxinas sen a intervención directa do administrador do sitio web.
Actualmente o administrador desta web é o profesor M.V. Ramallo. O mellor xeito de contactar con el é a través do seu correo electrónico ramallo@cond-mat.eu Manuel Vázquez Ramallo |
This website uses dynamic addresses. For links and bookmarks, use the address http://aefis.usc.es