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• Univ. of Santiago USC
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General: For more specific consultations:
E-mail for general inquiries about the masterThis is the main contact address for all sorts of queries on the master. From this direction either you will be answered or you will be prompted with whom you must contact to solve your particular problem. email: mastermateriais@usc.es
To directly contact to those responsible for each particular aspect of the MastersTo contact the coordinator of the masterVictor Mosquera Tallón To contact the secretary the condensed matter physics departmentemail: fmsec@usc.es To contact other sections and departments of the USCThe USC website maintains a reasonably updated database of emails and telephone numbers of its sections, departments and members: To contact the teachersThe USC website maintains a reasonably updated database of emails, phone numbers and more contact information for all teachers: To contact the administrator of this websiteTo contact the administrator of this website, see this page
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